All You Should Know About Applying For Driving Licences In India

866 ViewsApplying for a driving license in India is a significant step towards personal mobility and road safety. In this guide, we will provide you with valuable information on applying for driving licenses in India, including crucial aspects like bike insurance, two-wheeler insurance calculator, renewing bike insurance, and making bike insurance claims. How Does One […]

Why Is Telematic Insurance Not Gaining Popularity Among Car Owners?

822 ViewsTo assess the risk of insuring a specific driver, telematics insurance uses technology to monitor and analyse driving behaviours like speed, braking, distance, and other driving patterns. Telematics insurance has yet to become very well-liked among car owners in India despite its potential advantages, such as increased safety, lower car insurance online premiums, and […]

What is the European Health Insurance Card and how do I apply for it?

866 ViewsThere are many reasons for moving to European territory: the tourist attractiveness of countries, their university facilities and international exchange programs to study abroad, the thirst for discovering a new culture, learning another language , a taste for adventure, a temporary job… For example, almost 50,000 students were able to benefit from the Erasmus […]

Why is repatriation assistance insurance essential for traveling or expatriating?

984 ViewsWhy is repatriation assistance insurance essential for traveling or expatriating? repatriation assistance Repatriation assistance, you must certainly hear about it when you look at the travel insurance to take out for your next getaway. It is often said that it is very important, but why exactly?  What is a repatriation? Repatriation can take on […]