Experience the Thrill of Dune Bashing in Dubai Desert Safari

793 ViewsIn the heart of the Middle East, Dubai offers an unparalleled adventure – Dune Bashing, the ultimate thrill of navigating through massive sand dunes in a 4×4 vehicle. This blog will guide you through this exciting and adrenaline-fuelled activity. Dune Bashing: An Introduction Dune Bashing is an exciting sport where SUVs are driven over […]

What are the advantages of going to study abroad?

565 ViewsAccording to the current expression, “travels form youth”. It is true that going to study abroad is a project with multiple advantages, the main one being to build a future. Learn another language Mastering at least one other language helps broaden one’s ability to communicate and opens up new professional opportunities. However, becoming completely […]

A spen travel guide

464 ViewsNo need to introduce Aspen. However, this ski resort with a glamorous and ultra-chic reputation, which precedes it, has not always been the meeting place for skiers and big fortunes. Originally a modest mining town, Aspen seduced industrialists and philanthropists Walter and Elizabeth Paepke in 1949, who imagined the town as an international cultural […]